Snow. I think it's one of those things you either love or loathe. I think it's quite lovely to look at from inside my cozy home when I don't need to go out in it...otherwise, I'm not really fond of it!

We enjoyed this gorgeous sunrise last week as we headed out the door to school.

A glimpse into our backyard...bear in mind we've gotten lots more snow since these photos have been taken!

A basket o' snow on the deck.

School was delayed again today, due to the blowing, drifting snow. Grace's class led chapel, on the plagues in the Bible--hearing about the plagues from 3rd & 4th graders was quite entertaining! They always do such a nice job, and I am so thankful they have the opportunity to study God's Word at school.
The boys went skiing today with members of Bay's class that earned the trip for meeting their reading goals this past marking period. I admit I was anxious, praying all day no one would sustain any major injuries! They returned home tonight after 7pm, both barely able to walk from all of their frosty fun!
We enjoyed another snow day off from school this past Wednesday, photos of our fun that day and a recipe, coming tomorrow!